Environmental Conservation and Tech

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3. IoT for Environmental Conservation

Ways to Implement IoT in Environmental Conservation

IoT-based sensors for environmental conservation

  • Learn in-depth about these sensors:
    • What do they measure?
    • How is IoT integration involved?
  • Think About: Cross-Functional utility of these sensors

Here are some examples of sensors that can be integrated with IoT-based systems for effective environmental monitoring and management:

SensorWhat they measureHow IoT integration benefits
Air quality. Concentrations of pollutants in the air, such as particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3). Real-time monitoring of air quality
. Identification of pollution hotspots
. Triggering alerts or actions, such as adjusting traffic flow or sending notifications to local residents to take preventive measures
Water quality. Temperature
. pH
. Dissolved oxygen
. Nutrient levels
. Providing early warnings of water pollution events
. Managing water resources
. Protecting aquatic ecosystems
Forest fire detection. Smoke
. Temperature changes
. Volatile organic compounds
. Enabling rapid response and intervention
. Providing early warnings of forest fires
. Triggering alerts to fire departments
Soil erosion. Soil erosion rates
. Moisture content
. Other soil parameters
. Providing real-time data on soil erosion and soil moisture
. Optimizing irrigation
. Protecting soil quality
Weather. Temperature
. Humidity
. Wind speed
. Precipitation
. Providing real-time weather data for weather forecasting, flood prediction, and other environmental management applications
Noise pollution. Noise levels. Mapping noise pollution levels
. Assessing noise mitigation measures
. Informing urban planning and development decisions
Oceanographic. Temperature
. Salinity
. Acidity
. Monitoring sea surface temperature
. Tracking sea level rise
. Monitoring ocean acidification
. Supporting sustainable ocean management
Wildlife monitoring. Wildlife populations
. Animal movements
. Behavioral data
. Identifying migration patterns
. Understanding habitat preferences
. Assessing impact of human activities on wildlife habitats
. Developing conservation strategies, such as wildlife corridors or protected areas